Boosting Your Tech Startup: Key Strategies for Online Visibility

Starting a business can be overwhelming as there is a lot to sort out. No matter whether you are starting a business that offers a service or a company that sells a range of products. No matter what it is there are a number of things that you need to sort out. 

When you are starting a business, there are a few things that you need to sort out with a limited budget. Nonetheless, there are some things you can sort with a limited budget. 

Understand Your Target Audience

No matter whether you are offering a service or a product, understanding your target audience is the most important thing to understand. This can save you hundreds, if not thousands of pounds when marketing. 

Understanding the demographics of your audience is your first step. Then create a fake avatar of who you think is your target audience. For example, you are a business owner selling high-protein meals. This should be targeting younger people, people between their 20s and 40s and those who go to the gym. 

Once you understand what your target audience is, you can start developing ad campaigns that speak in their language. This is a great way to reach out to the potential customer which makes it more likely for them to convert. 

Before you start spending money on marketing, put some thought into your audience so you know who to advertise to. 

Search Engine Optimisation

This is another form of marketing that helps you reach a specific audience with the keywords you choose. Again, there is a lot to complete with this and the best option would be to use an SEO agency in Yorkshire or London who have the tools and expertise to do this. However, at the start of your marketing campaign, you won’t have the budget for that so you need to understand the basics of SEO. 

Doing a basic level of keyword research, writing blogs and optimising your content with relevant keywords is everything you need to do to ensure you have optimised your website at the basic level. Once you have done this, you should start to see some improvements in traffic on your website. Additionally, you will need to put in place a link-building campaign to achieve those keywords that are more competitive. 

Social Media

Both organic and paid social media are something that you should look to implement in your marketing strategy. One of the issues with paid advertising is that it can be expensive however, if you know your target audience, it should generate revenue very quickly. This is why it is important to understand your target audience before anything else is prioritised. 

Organic social media is something that is free. Here, you can design creatives for your website that can then be posted on your social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. This is a good way for your customers to learn more about your brand.

You also have paid social. This is where you will pay for advertising to new customers who don’t follow your social media platforms. Make sure you target your target audience and you will be able to generate sales through them.

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