Our health is arguably the most important thing we have as we are nothing without it, which is why it is so important to make it a priority. There are some common components of our health that are often overlooked, whether people simply don’t value them or don’t think they are important, yet we are here to highlight them and to tell you why it’s important that we prioritise them! So, get ready to be inspired and to start focusing more on these three areas of your health.
Their Sleep
Sleep is absolutely vital for all areas of our health, from the healthy functioning of our brains to growth and development, muscle recovery and reducing the risk of serious health problems like heart attacks or strokes. Not to mention, it significantly helps to improve our concentration, productivity and our immune system. Yet, so many people don’t make time in their routine for the sleep they need. Sometimes this is unavoidable, which we understand, but it is so important that you do everything you can to get a good night’s sleep.
You should aim to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep, as this is the optimal time to keep you as healthy as possible from the sleep side of things. You will feel incredible when you make this a priority, so think about your routine and the best way to squeeze extra time in. For example, if you’re naturally an early riser, just make sure you go to bed that bit earlier. Likewise, if you are a night owl, make sure you have the time for an extra hour in bed the next day.
Their Oral Health
Something else that is often overlooked in terms of our health is oral health! Not only is oral health vital to keep our teeth, mouth and gums healthy as we only have one set of adult teeth, but it can also have an impact on the rest of our health, too. Issues like tooth decay and gum disease appear all too often, and although sometimes unavoidable, there is so much that can be done to help minimise the risk of oral health conditions appearing. When oral health issues are left unattended, they can result in tooth decay and eventually tooth loss, where you would then require full dental implants to gain a happy and healthy smile again. So, make sure that you go to see your dentist every 6 months, have a thorough brushing and flossing routine, reduce your intake of sugar where possible, drink plenty of water and choose products that contain fluoride. When you go to see your dentist, they will also be able to advise on specific things you need to focus on, and can identify issues early on if there are any, helping to make your treatment less invasive and more affordable.
Their Vitamin Intake
Last but not least, so many people neglect their vitamin intake. Vitamins and minerals are absolutely essential for all of our major bodily functions to work properly, so when you pay some attention to this, you will feel so different in yourself, for the better. So, make sure that you eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, preferably different colours as they tend to contain different nutrients. You can also then take multivitamins to make sure you have everything covered. This is a simple change that can really transform how you feel!