Why Are Non-Surgical Procedures Soaring?

Non-surgical cosmetic procedures are undoubtedly on the rise all of a sudden. People are striving for perfection and are turning to these treatments to achieve that. There are a range of reasons for this, and whether you like it or loathe it, these procedures are becoming the new beauty norm, so let’s have a look at how people are being drawn to these procedures!


Celebrity Endorsers

One key contribution to why non-surgical cosmetic procedures have become so popular is the use of celebrity endorsers on social media. An increased amount of influencers and celebrities who use social media share details of the treatments they have, most of which are usually done for free in return for positive feedback via their social media. Influencers make it seem like these procedures are as common as visiting the hairdressers, and certainly not something that needs to be thought twice about. As well as this, followers may see their favourite celebrities looking a certain way and consequently have treatments in order to replicate their style. The growing normalisation of these treatments due to celebrity influencers has been vital in the rise of non-surgical procedures.


Selfie Culture

People are increasingly feeling the pressure to look good, a lot of which could be put down to the focus on looks and imagery on social media. The introduction of Snapchat filters has meant people are wanting to resemble the ‘perfected’ image gained through using the filter. For many, they feel that this can be achieved through non-surgical procedures such as dermal fillers. People often take photos with them to their appointments with photos of celebrities, yet increasingly people are taking pictures in of themselves with the filters on! Although this digital self is often unrealistic and unattainable, it still seems to be a goal for a lot of people. Striving for perfection is a major drive for people to get non-surgical procedures.



Although non-surgical procedures can seem expensive, when comparing the cost to what you’d spend if you had a full cosmetic procedure it is actually a huge saving. These treatments are able to offer really great results for a fraction of the price of a full operation. Although the saving might seem great, the people performing the procedures are highly unlikely to have the same knowledge of the treatments as medical professionals, who can not only offer a safer but also a more effective treatment. Before having any treatment, be sure to research and go to a fully qualified medical spa, as many under qualified salons are attempting to replicate the famous celebrity treatments for a fraction of the price.


Short Recovery Times and Fewer Risks

With advancements in technology resulting in a range of innovative new treatments, the choices are endless. Whatever your goal, it is likely you will get the results you wanted through non-surgical cosmetic procedures. Although actual cosmetic surgery may last longer, a huge benefit of not going under the knife is that you won’t need to clear your diary for weeks after the treatment as most of the procedures require no recovery time! The risks are also vastly reduced as you don’t need to go under anaesthetic, and of course surgeries of any kind are dangerous, so the element of risk being reduced is a plus.

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