All co-working experiences are not the same. In fact, when adopting this office format, professionals should know that, while co-working spaces are office spaces, they in many ways can form close-knit communities that have developed their own culture. This culture really can influence the type of experience you have while working in this environment.
For those new to this format, the co-working office allows professionals to lease the use of office space and equipment. Often start-ups and fledgling businesses use this office format because the overhead is much cheaper than going with conventional office space. Servcorp, one of the more popular leasing companies, specializes in this office format. As an experienced office solutions provider, Servcorp brings a higher level of service to the co-working experience.
Let’s take a look at some of the things you should know about before entering this type of agreement.
Standard Policy
While leasing a co-working space is one of the most cost-effective methods of leasing office space today, you should research the different outfits that provide this type of service. Standard leasing policies usually allow professionals the option of using a hot-desk or a dedicated desk. In addition, because of the social nature of the office, many organizations also provide professionals with after-hours opportunities to network with other people.
Furthermore, the leasing contracts tend to be a little more flexible than with conventional leasing. In the United States, a leasing contract might last anywhere up to five years, but many coworking outfits only require renters commit to a minimum of a month’s contract. Also, many of these leases are flexible as well, especially with the larger companies. If your business needs to relocate or expand, these leases can be easily modified.
While many of these places have an open door policy, others who cater to a particular industry might require you sit for an interview to see if their outfit meets your needs and vice versa. Typically, these outfits will allow you to work in the space for a certain amount of time as the committee decides whether or not you are a suitable candidate. Niche coworking spots also tend to work in this way.
Because you are working in an open, shared office, it is very easy to get social. In fact, this feature of the office is at the core of much networking and collaboration. However, because people tend to socialize in various parts of the office, the noise levels in the office might become elevated. For this reason, many offices institute policies that preserve the integrity of the work environment.
Also, the co-working office is one where, if you have not reserved a dedicated desk, then the hot-desks are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Many organizations have policies that guard against territorialism and cliquing, and other behaviors that make others uncomfortable. In fact, because these spaces usually form their own community and the mission of these spaces is to promote collaboration, the boorishness that goes along with excluding others and staking claim to space is strongly discouraged.
Because of the eclectic group of people, you will encounter, it easy to veer off into side conversations. While it is a relaxing atmosphere and there is nothing wrong with socializing, try to adhere to some rules that will keep you focused throughout the time you spend in the space. Create your own rules, and it should not be a long list.
To avoid eating up your time in conversation, take a five-minute break every hour while working the rest of the hour. This avoids you running the risk of spending too much time in discussion and a little time at work. Also, try to spend a few days a week working in the environment. If anything, this exposure will net you some contacts.
Getting The Most From Your Coworking Experience
The co-working experience can generate much business for you through the numerous social encounters you have in a day. By researching the many coworking options, you end up finding a comfortable fit that can support your business endeavor. More importantly, you find a working space that can function as a cocoon for your business’s growth.